Drastic measure in Malaysia  

Posted by kimfour9
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Patient that has athma, organ failure, pregnant women, and diabetes is easily affected by this influenza. This influenza still not have its vaccine and medication. So far 21 hospital has been given H1n1 antiviral for those who had been suspected or affected by the disease. Malaysian Prime Minister has stated that any tourist have to fill in the mandatory form and for those who did not follow will be punished. Not more than 2 years prison or RM 10000 fine or both of them.

Every tourist from outside of the country especially America, Melbourne and Manila had to undergo medical check before entering the country. The citizen has been advice for wearing mask when go out into the public and outside the country that have high risk.

Amantadine and Rimantadine:

H1n1 flu is resistant to these two common drugs. The virus is different compare to other viruses. Therefore, vaccines for human seasonal flu would not provide protection. However, a “seed vaccine” has been specifically tailored to this swine flu and will be manufactured if officials deem it necessary.

- The Health Ministry’s operations room in Putrajaya has started a 24-hour monitoring of the situation. The public can call 03-8881 0200/300 for enquiries.

- Thermal scanners will be placed at international airports to speed up the screening process for A (H1N1) flu.

- Public and private medical practitioners have been instructed to report to the district health office any patient with influenza-like illnesses or severe pneumonia symptoms and who had travelled to the affected countries after April 17.

For brief information, refer HERE.

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good information,especially there are second wave of H1N1 in this year.
so that people can aware and take action in order to avoid this virus from spread.